Chaos Digest Lundi 25 Janvier 1993 Volume 1 : Numero 5 Editeur: Jean-Bernard Condat ( Archiviste: Yves-Marie Crabbe Co-Redacteurs: Arnaud Bigare, Stephane Briere TABLE DES MATIERES, #1.05 (25 Janv 1993) File 1--Un pirate a l'abordage de la Banque de France File 2--Le coup d'un genie de l'informatique File 3--Definition des codes parasites autopropageables (CPAs) File 4--Le Pheacking americain vu du cote francais File 5--Horloge en panne, pourquoi? File 6--Jeune Lettonien a la recherche de correspondants Chaos Digest is a weekly electronic journal/newsletter. Subscriptions are available at no cost from The editors may be contacted by voice (+33 1 40101775), fax (+33 1 40101764) or S-mail at: Jean-Bernard Condat, Chaos Computer Club France [CCCF], 47 rue des Rosiers, 93400 St-Ouen, France Issues of Chaos-D can also be found on some French BBS. Back issues also may be obtained from the mail server at all incoming messages containing "Request: ChaosD #x.yy" in the "Suject:" field are answered (x is the volume and yy the issue). CHAOS DIGEST is an open forum dedicated to sharing French information among computerists and to the presentation and debate of diverse views. ChaosD material may be reprinted for non-profit as long as the source is cited. Some authors do copyright their material, and they should be contacted for reprint permission. Readers are encouraged to submit reasoned articles in French, English or German languages relating to computer culture and telecommunications. Articles are preferred to short responses. Please avoid quoting previous posts unless absolutely necessary. DISCLAIMER: The views represented herein do not necessarily represent the views of the moderators. Chaos Digest contributors assume all responsibility for ensuring that articles submitted do not violate copyright protections. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat Jan 23 00:09:28 +0100 1993 From: (Langlois Ph. ) Subject: File 1--Un pirate a l'abordage de la Banque de France Copyright: Agence France Presse, 1993 Divers escroquerie - Arrestation d'un jeune escroc qui avait perce les secrets de la Banque de France- GRENOBLE, 17 jan 93 (250 MOTS) Un jeune homme de 22 ans qui avait reussi, par un stratageme non revele par les policiers, a percer un secteur secret de la Banque de France en s'infiltrant dans le systeme informatique, a ete arrete et ecroue samedi apres avoir ete presente au Parquet de Grenoble. Laurent Darvey, domicilie a Fontaine (Isere) et passionne d'informatique, a reussi a connaitre le code donnant la liste des chequiers voles centralisee a la Banque de France, a-t-on indique de source policiere. Ayant derobe des chequiers, il a pu disposer librement de ceux qui ne figuraient pas sur ces listes. C'est ainsi qu'au cours des deux dernieres annees, il a utilise les formulaires de six chequiers ne lui appartenant pas et "depenser" la somme relativement modeste de 40.000 francs. Pour mieux ecouler ces cheques, il avait egalement derobe trois cartes d'identites qu'il a falsifiees. Il a ete demasque par un commercant qui avait releve le numero de la carte d'identite presentee mais egalement celui de l'automobile au volant de laquelle l'escroc repartait. Les plaques mineralogiques etaient egalement fausses mais le signalement precis du commercant a permis l'arrestation du jeune homme qui s'est vu signifier une inculpation de faux, usage de faux et escroquerie. HM/jmg ------------------------------ Date: Fri Jan 22 13:52:48 -0500 1993 From: (Mike Swartzbeck) Subject: File 2--Le coup d'un genie de l'informatique Copyright: Serge Pueyo, France Soir, 1993 UN PIRATE A L'ABORDAGE DE LA BANQUE DE FRANCE Il annulait les oppositions faites sur les cheques voles. Exploit technique mais maigre butin Laurent Darvey a 22 ans. Domicilie a Fontaine, pres de Grenoble (Isere), il a une passion: l'informatique, ou plus exactement le piratage informatique. En 1991, il se procure sous une fausse identite un document informatique qui lui permet d'acceder au fichier de la Banque de France, fichier contenant les identifications des cheques voles. Grace a son ordinateur et par un procede de son invention, qui n'a pas ete revele, Laurent Darvey reussit a annuler les procedures d'opposition faites sur les chequiers qu'il a derobes. Le jeune homme ne se contente pas de pirater la Banque de France. Il est aussi voleur et faussaire a ses heures. Il a ainsi vole a plusieurs de ses collegues de travail leurs chequiers et leurs papiers, qu'ils s'empressait aussitot de maquiller habilement. De plus, il circulait avec un voiture faussement immatriculee. Laurent Darvey ne semblait pas avoir de gros besoins, puisqu'en un peu plus d'un an, il n'aurait emis que 40.000 F de cheques voles. Mais une habitante de Voiron (Isere) va mettre les policiers sur ses traces. En decembre, Laurent darvey lui achete pour 5.500 F un ordinateur, qu'il revend aussitot. Mefiante, la dame releve toutefois le numero de sa carte d'identite et, a la derobee, le numero de sa plaque d'immatriculation. Au cas ou... CARTE VOLEE. Decouvrant qu'elle a ete payee avec un cheque en bois, elle porte plainte. Les enqueteurs s'apercoivent alors que la fausse carte d'identite de l'escroc a ete volee en juin 1991 dans un centre de formation professionnelle pour adultes, a Pont-de-Claix. Ils se font donc remettre tous les dossiers des stagiaires--soixante-six au total--parmi lesquels se trouve celui de Laurent Darvey, puisqu'il avait suivi une formation dans ce centre. Sa victime le reconnait sur photo. Les policiers ont arrete jeudi dernier le jeune homme a son domicile, ou ils ont retrouve d'autres chequiers voles, des cartes d'identite falsifiees et du materiel informatique, vole lui aussi. Laurent Darvey a reconnu sans difficulte les faits qui lui sont reproches. Il a ete ecroue a la prison de Varces, pres de Grenoble. Comme le prejudice n'est pas tres eleve, on peut penser que, pour le petit genie de l'informatique, pirater la Banque de France, reputee inviolable, etait finalement le but du jeu. Un petit jeu qui s'acheve pourtant derriere les barreaux. ------------------------------ Date: Sat Jan 23 13:49:00 -0600 1993 From: ("Rob Slade, DECrypt Editor, VARUG NLC rep, 604-984-4067" ) Subject: File 3--Definition des codes parasites autopropageables (CPAs) Copyright: Robert M. Slade, 1991, 1993 Towards a Definition of computer Viral Programs Robert Slade (The following is excerpted from Robert Slade's weekly column on Computer Viral programs published in VIRUS-L and on Fidonet. These articles originally appeared in July, 1991.) The "man on the street" is now often aware of the term "computer virus" even if he (or she) does not use a computer. However, it is often the case that those who are otherwise technically literate do not understand some of the implications of the phrase. This is not surprising in that the term is slang, is often misused, and that "hard" information is difficult to come by. It is important to know what a computer virus is if you are going to defend yourself against the many that are "out there." It is also important to know what a computer virus is not. There are other types of programs and situations which can do damage to your computer or data, and many of these will not be caught by the same methods which must trap viral programs. A biological analogy, which we find in the dictionary, is helpful. The Oxford English Dictionary, which speaks of: "...a moral or intellectual poison, or poisonous influence..." while satisfying to the wounded ego of those who have been hit is not terribly helpful in a technical sense. Webster, however, steers us in a more helpful route in stating that a virus is: "...dependent on the host's living cells for their growth and reproduction..." By eliminating the biological references, we can come to the definition that a virus is an entity which uses the resources of the host to spread and reproduceitself without informed operator action. Let me stress here, the word "informed." A virus cannot run completely on its own. The computer user must always take some action, even if it is only to turn the computer on. This is the major strength of a virus: it uses *normal* computer operations to do its dirty work, and therefore there is no single identifying code that can be used to find a viral program. I must make mention, before I continue, of the work of Fred Cohen. Dr. Cohen is generally held to have coined the term "computer virus" in his thesis, published in 1986. However, his definition covers only those sections of code which, when active, attach themselves to other programs. This, however, neglects many of the programs which have been most successful "in the wild". Many researchers still insist on this definition, and therefore use other terms such as "worm" and "bacterium" for those viri which do not attack programs. Having established that viral programs copy themselves, and before going on to related types of programs, let me list a few things that viri are *not*. Let me first say that computer viral programs are not a "natural" occurrence. These are programs which are written by programmers. They did not just appear through some kind of electronic evolution. Viral programs are written, deliberately, by people. (Having studied the beasts almost from their inception, I was rather startled when a young, intelligent, well educated executive proposed to me that viri had somehow "just grown" like their biological counterparts.) The popular press has recently started to publicize the term computer virus, but without giving any details other than the fact that viri are to be feared. (Often the reports talk about "main storage destroyed" and other such phrases which have very little meaning.) This has given most people the impression that anything that goes wrong with a computer is a virus. >From hardware failures to errors in use, everything is blamed on a virus. *A VIRUS IS NOT JUST ANY DAMAGING CONDITION.* Likewise, it is now considered that any program that may do damage to your data or your access to computing resources is a virus. We will speak further about trojan horse programs, logic bombs and worms, but it is important to note that viral programs have common characteristics that other damaging or security breaking programs may lack. Viri are not just any damaging program. Indeed, viral programs are not always damaging, at least not in the sense of being deliberately designed to erase data or disrupt operations. Most viral programs seem to have designed to be a kind of electronic graffiti: intended to make the writer's mark in the world, if not his or her name. In some cases a name is displayed, on occasion an address, phone number, company name or political party (and in one case, a ham radio license number.) On the other hand, viral programs cannot be considered a joke. Often they may have been written as a prank, but even those which have been written so as not to do any damage have had bugs, in common with any poorly written program. The author of Stoned obviously knew nothing of high density floppies or RLL drive specifications. In fact, it appears that the trashing of data by the Ogre/Disk Killer virus, one of the most damaging, was originally intended to be reversible, were it not for an error on the part of the programmer. Any program which makes changes to the computer system that are unknown to the operator can cause trouble, the more so when they are designed to keep spreading those changes to more and more systems. However, it is going to far to say, as some have, that the very existence of viral programs, and the fact that both viral strains and numbers of individual infections are growing, means that computers are finished. At the present time, the general public is not well informed about the virus threat, and so more copies of viri are being produced than are being destroyed. As people become aware of the danger, this will change. If we stick to a strictly "Cohenesque" definition of viral programs as only those which attach to specific programs, then there are some difficulties with defining other, similar, programs which reproduce themselves, but without being linked to a specific program. Unfortunately, although attempts have been made to address this issue, there is, as yet, little agreement as to the terminology. In early multi-tasking operating systems, programs often "broke the bounds", and would overwrite sections of other programs or data. Since this damage was generally random, the pattern of damage, when mapped, gave the appearance of twisting tracks which appeared and disappeared. This closely resembled the patterns seen when cutting through a piece of worm eaten wood, giving rise to the term "worm" for such rogue programs. One such program escaped not only from its own partition within the computer, but actually escaped from the original computer to another over an early computer networking system. The term "worm" has therefore come to be used to refer to viral programs which do not attach to specific programs, and, more specifically, to those which use network communications as a vehicle for spreading and reproduction. Two examples of this usage are the famous Morris/Internet/UNIX worm of late 1988, and the lesser known CHRISTMA EXEC mail worm of December 1987. This still leaves a class of viral programs which do not attach specifically to programs. There are actually many sub-groupings within this group, and there are within viral programs generally. However, European researchers, particularly those from France, often refer to such programs as "bacteria", rather than viri. In these areas of terminology there is often much debate about whether a given virus, or type of viral program, fits into a given class. Boot sector infectors, for example, would not appear to fit the definition of a virus as infecting another program, since BSI's can be spread by disks which do not contain any program files. However, the boot sector of a normal disk, whether or not it is a "system" or bootable disk, always does contain a program (even if it only states that the disk is not bootable), and so it can be said that a BSI is a "true" virus. Two other groups of security breaking programs are very often confused with viri. The first is the "trojan horse", the second the "logic bomb." The confusion is understandable, as viral type programs, trojan horses and logic bombs make up the three largest distinct groups of security breaking software, and often one may "contain" the code of one another. A trojan horse is a program which pretends to do one thing, while performing another, unwanted action. The extent of the "pretence" may vary greatly. Many of the early PC trojans relied merely on the filename and a description on a bulletin board. "Login" trojans, popular among university student mainframe users, will mimic the screen display and prompts of the normal login program, and may, in fact, pass the username and password along to the valid login program, as well as stealing it. Some trojans may contain actual code which does what it is supposed to be doing, while performing additional nasty acts that it does not tell you about. (I make the distinction that trojans are always malicious, as opposed to "joke" or "prank" programs.) (A recent example of a trojan is the "AIDS Information Disk", often incorrectly identified in both the general and computer trade press as a virus. Not to be confused with the, fairly rare, AIDS I and II viri, this program appears to have been part of a well organized extortion attempt. The "evaluation disks" were shipped to medical organizations in England and Europe, with covers, documentation and license agreements just like any real commercial product. When installed and run, it did give information and an evaluation of the subject's risk of getting AIDS, but it also modified the boot sequence so that after 90 reboots of the computer all files on the disk were encrypted. The user was informed that, in order to get the decryption key, a "license fee" had to be paid.) Trojan horse programs are sometimes referred to as an "Arf, arf" or "Gotcha" program from the screen messages of one of the first examples. A trojan horse may be used to plant a virus simply by infecting any existing program. A logic bomb is a malicious program which is triggered by a certain event or situation. Logic bomb code may be part of a regular program, or set of programs, and not activate when first run, thus having some of the features of a trojan. The trigger can be any event that can be detected by software, such as a date, username, CPU id, account name, or the presence or absence of a certain file. Viral programs and trojans may contain logic bombs. ------------------------------ Date: Sun Jan 24 09:37:49 EST 1993 From: (Mark Seiden ) Subject: File 4--Le Pheacking americain vu du cote francais Copyright: Agence France Presse, 1992 Eco. TIE. ind. - USA/piratage telephonique: un prejudice croissant pour les entreprises- par Souk CHANTHALANGSY- WASHINGTON, 7 nov 92 (600 MOTS) Devenu une affaire lucrative et presque sans risque, le piratage telephonique atteint des proportions inquietantes aux Etats-Unis ou, selon les experts, il fait perdre chaque annee des centaines de millions de dollars aux entreprises americaines. Ce type de fraude est d'autant plus redoutable qu'il n'existe, a l'heure actuelle, aucune parade d'une efficacite absolue contre ces pratiques qui font appel a des techniques informatiques sophistiquees, selon un groupe d'experts reuni recemment sur ce sujet a Washington par la Commission federale sur les communications (FCC). Ainsi, entre 1989 et 1992, plus de 550 cas de piratage telephonique ont ete recenses au sein des quelque 700 entreprises formant l'Association internationale des communications (ICA). Le prejudice a ete evalue a 73,5 millions de dollars representant en grande partie des appels internationaux, soit une moyenne de plus de 130.000 dollars pour chaque fraude. La quasi-totalite de ces piratages a ete menee par intrusion dans les standards informatises ("private branch exchange", PBX) et/ou dans les boites aux lettres vocales ("voice mail") des societes piratees. Un autre type de fraude consiste a utiliser des cartes de credit telephoniques dont le code secret a ete prealablement "casse". "Ces pratiques constituent un exemple flagrant de la fragilite de l'industrie des telecommunications", a estime le vice-president de l'ICA, Lawrence Gessini. Les exemples de fraudes, evoques devant la FCC, sont nombreux. En juin, une banque du groupe financier americain Leucadia Financial Corporation a vu le nombre d'appels sur son numero gratuit passer d'une centaine a plus de dix mille. La fraude n'a ete decouverte qu'apres reception de la facture de la compagnie ATT: 250.036 dollars pour ce seul mois, dont plus de 215.000 pour des appels en Republique dominicaine. Selon un responsable du groupe bancaire Thomas Mara, les pirates sont entres avec un ordinateur dans la ligne telephonique gratuite de l'etablissement. En forcant le systeme de boite aux lettres vocales et en essayant toutes les combinaisons d'acces a partir du zero, ils ont trouve le mot de passe actionnant la ligne. D'apres William Cook, un ancien procureur de Chicago devenu specialiste de la lutte contre les fraudes informatiques, des centaines d'intrusion dans les standard telephoniques sont tentees chaque jour aux Etats-Unis. En 1989, au cours d'un week-end prolonge, une entreprise avait ainsi perdu 1,4 million de dollars, ses lignes ayant ete "piratees" par des inconnus. Les equipementiers en materiels telephoniques accusent generalement les victimes de n'avoir pas su proteger leur systeme PBX, les victimes font grief aux equipementiers de ne pas les avoir prevenues de la vulnerabilite du systeme et les deux se tournent vers les compagnies de telephone. Entre 25 et 30 % du prejudice est generalement assume par les compagnies de telephone. Une unite d'action est necessaire, selon les experts, pour lutter contre ce piratage qui se traduit chaque annee par "des milliards de dollars de manque a gagner pour l'economie" et qui "menace la solvabilite de plusieurs centaines de petites entreprises du pays", affirme M. Cook qui preconise un renforcement des sanctions afin de dissuader les malfaiteurs. "Les risques sont si peu importants et les condamnations si faibles que des trafiquants de drogue quittent le secteur des stupefiants pour se lancer dans la fraude telephonique", a-t-il encore indique. sc/rok/mpf ------------------------------ Date: Wed Jan 20 21:31:33 PST 1993 From: (Paul Eggert ) Subject: File 5--Horloge en panne, pourquoi? A stopped clock never foils? One way to discourage intruders from using covert channels to foil security is to turn off the system clock, or at least to hide it from users. But this breaks a lot of software, so it's too drastic for all but the most security-conscious sites. So I was surprised to see J.-B. Condat's letter in RISKS 14.28, which began: Date: 31 Dec 69 23:59:59 GMT From: Subject: New E-journal on computer security [...] Unix cognoscenti will recognize that date: it corresponds to the internal Unix time value of -1, which is returned by system functions when the clock is not available. I guess Condat and the Chaos Computer Club France must really be practicing what they preach! +++++++ Date: Wed Jan 6 06:47:56 CST 1993 From: ("Michael S. Hart" ) On 31 Dec 69 23:59:59 GMT you said: Your message took about a week to get here. . .and thus was very hard to find, as my mailer sorts by date, and yours was at the bottom. Therefore I would suggest you preface your subject lines with !!! to make them easier for me to spot. Thank you for your interest, Michael S. Hart, Professor of Electronic Text Executive Director of Project Gutenberg Etext Illinois Benedictine College, Lisle, IL 60532 No official connection to U of Illinois--UIUC hart @uiucvmd.bitnet or +++++++ Date: Sat Jan 23 14:14:46 PST 1993 From: (Robert A. Levene ) ---- > my message are date-stamped with the same time :-) ---- Please let him know that in English, this is known as a "mistake which needs explaining" or a "lie." ------------------------------ Date: Sat Dec 26 12:31:11 GMT 1992 From: (Uldis Bojars ) Subject: File 6--Jeune Lettonien a la recherche de correspondants To: Jean-Bernard CONDAT Chaos Computer Club France [CCCF] Hello ! Harry Bush published some information about CCCF in our local echo. I read it and decided to write You ! At first let me wish You a Merry Christmas and happy New Year. I'm latvian teenager (i'm 18) and am studying computer sciences now. My name is Uldis Bojars. My interests lay mainly in programming and hacking field. I'm interesting about phreaking, too, but have never built bluebox or somewhat like that. Favorite programming language - C, but i wanna program in Asembler, too. It would be nice to have a penfriend in France. I'll be happy to discuss about life, programming, and much more. I can't write French because I'm learning it about 2 months only. But i think i will be able to understand French text... I'll try to call Your BBS to get to know more about CCCF. And - is it possible to get book You mentioned in letter - '_C'est decide! J'ecris mon virus' ? I'm not writing viruses, but i haven't got any literature about computers in French. I'll be happy to receive letters from CCCF. /\ / \ Sincerely Yours, / \ Uldis / \ /- -\ Bon et heureux Noel ! || ---------------------------------------------------------------------- About myself: Uldis Bojars 18 years old Email: i like science fiction, music (especially Beatles) i'm runing my own BBS ------------------------------ End of Chaos Digest #1.05 ************************************