From BITFTP1@pucc.PRINCETON.EDU Thu Dec 20 22:03:07 1990 Received: from pucc.Princeton.EDU by po.CWRU.Edu with SMTP (5.61+ida+/CWRU-1.7.1) id AA01586; Thu, 20 Dec 90 22:03:07 -0500 (from BITFTP1@pucc.PRINCETON.EDU for /usr/local/bin/m2mbox /u/38/al636/mbox) Message-Id: <9012210303.AA01586@po.CWRU.Edu> Received: from PUCC.PRINCETON.EDU by pucc.PRINCETON.EDU (IBM VM SMTP R1.2.2MX) with BSMTP id 2816; Thu, 20 Dec 90 21:33:17 EST Received: by PUCC (Mailer R2.08B) id 9227; Thu, 20 Dec 90 21:33:15 EST Date: 20 Dec 1990 21:33:16 From: BITFTP1@pucc.PRINCETON.EDU To: al636@cleveland.Freenet.Edu Subject: BITFTP output, CA-90:10.attack.rumour.warning, Part 1 of 1 (uuencoded) CA-90:10 CERT Advisory November 16, 1990 Rumor of Alleged Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------- There have been several recent reports in the media and other places about an alleged attack on some telephone systems, apparently in response to the sentencing today in Atlanta of three members of a computer intruder group called "Legion of Doom". As of this time (Nov. 16 at 4:30 PM EST), CERT/CC has not received any evidence to substantiate this rumor. Caution (not panic) is advisable. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Computer Emergency Response Team/Coordination Center (CERT/CC) Software Engineering Institute Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890 Internet E-mail: Telephone: 412-268-7090 24-hour hotline: CERT personnel answer 7:30a.m.-6:00p.m. EST, on call for emergencies during other hours. Past advisories and other information are available for anonymous ftp from (